Analysis of replicated CMIP5 datasets

Wed 06 February 2013

This notebook describes the analysis of a snapshot of all replicas in the CMIP5 archive on February 6th 2013. A list of all dataset versions at each of the 3 replicating data centres is read, analysed and compared with the total number of datasets listed in the CMIP5 archive.

This analysis uses the following terminology:

  • Dataset: A unit of data published into the system.
  • Dataset Version: A particular version of a dataset. Each dataset version has a datestamp and datasets can be updated by publishing new dataset versions.
  • Latest dataset: The dataset version which is the most up to date of a particular dataset.

Initation and data import


import pandas as p
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools as itr
from matplotlib_venn import venn3
from import SearchConnection

def make_venn(replicas):
    Create a venn diagram from a dictionary of replica sets
    def f(*cs):
        inc_s = reduce(lambda x, y: x.intersection(y),
                       (replicas[x] for x in cs))
        exclude = [x for x in replicas if x not in cs]
        if len(cs) < len(replicas):
            exc_s = reduce(lambda x, y: x.union(y),
                           (replicas[x] for x in exclude))
            exc_s = set()
        return len(inc_s.difference(exc_s))

    rows = [('badc',), ('pcmdi',), ('badc', 'pcmdi'),
            ('dkrz',), ('badc', 'dkrz'), ('pcmdi', 'dkrz'),
            ('badc', 'pcmdi', 'dkrz')]

    subsets = p.Series([f(*x) for x in rows], index=rows)

    return (venn3(subsets=subsets, set_labels = ['badc', 'pcmdi', 'dkrz']), subsets)

def by_institute(replicas):
    Take a set of replicas and return a dictionary of sets where each key is
    the institute.  Account for some naming anomalies.
    ret = {}
    for centre in replicas:
        institutes = ret[centre] = {}
        for drs in replicas[centre]:
            parts = drs.split('.')
            if parts[0] != 'cmip5':
            if len(parts) == 10:
                (activity, product, institute, model, experiment, frequency, realm, table, ensemble, version) = parts
                (activity, product, institute, model, experiment, frequency, realm, table, ensemble) = parts
            # Account for metadata anomalies
            institute = institute.lower()
            if institute == 'noaa-ncep':
                institute == 'ncep'
            institutes.setdefault(institute, set()).add(drs)
    return ret

Read in the lists of dataset versions at each centre and calculate the sets of datasets and latest datasets


replica_lists = %system ls *_replicated_dataset_*.txt

replicas = {}          # Dictionary of sets of replica dataset versions
replicas_ds = {}       # Dictionary of sets of replica datasets
latest = {}            # Dictionary mapping dataset id to latest version
replicas_latest = {}   # Dictionary of sets of replica latest datasets

for replica_list in replica_lists:
    centre = replica_list.split('_')[0]
    s = replicas[centre] = set()
    for line in open(replica_list):

# These counts no not include the original datasets for MOHC heald at BADC
# or the MPI-M datasets held at DKRZ.  To account for this we add all the
# MOHC output1 dataset versions held at BADC.
for line in open('badc_mohc_output1.txt'):

# We have to get the DKRZ datasets by querying the ESGF API
#conn = SearchConnection('', distrib=False)
#ctx = conn.new_context(project='CMIP5', product='output1', institute='MPI-M')
#for r in
#    replicas['dkrz'].add(r.json['instance_id'])

# The above block is cached into this data file
for line in open('dkrz_mpih_output1.txt'):

for c in replicas:
    ds_iter = ('.'.join(x.split('.')[:-1]) for x in replicas[c])
    replicas_ds[c] = set(ds_iter)

for dv in replicas['badc'] | replicas['dkrz'] | replicas['pcmdi']:
    version = int(dv.split('.')[-1][1:])
    ds = '.'.join(dv.split('.')[:-1])
    latest[ds] = max(latest.get(ds, 0), version)

for c in replicas:
    s = replicas_latest[c] = set()
    for dv in replicas[c]:
        version = int(dv.split('.')[-1][1:])
        ds = '.'.join(dv.split('.')[:-1])
        if version == latest[ds]:


             'dataset versions': dict((k, len(v)) for (k, v) in replicas.items()),
             'datasets': dict((k, len(v)) for (k, v) in replicas_ds.items()),
             'latest datasets': dict((k, len(v)) for (k, v) in replicas.items()),


       dataset versions  datasets  latest datasets
badc              29057     24539            29057
dkrz              37062     31072            37062
pcmdi             39101     39101            39101

Intersection of dataset replicas

We plot the venn diagrams showing the intersection of datasets, dataset versions and latest datasets at each centre.


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)
ax1.set_title('Replicated Dataset Versions by Centre')
venn_dv, subsets_dv = make_venn(replicas)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
ax2.set_title('Replicated Datasets by Centre')
venn_ds, subsets_ds = make_venn(replicas_ds)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3)
ax3.set_title('Replicated Latest Dataset Versions by Centre')
venn_latest, subsets_latest = make_venn(replicas_latest)
df = p.DataFrame({
                  'dataset versions': subsets_dv,
                  'datasets': subsets_ds,
                  'latest datasets': subsets_latest


                     dataset versions  datasets  latest datasets
(badc)                           5492      2156             2816
(pcmdi)                          9440      6185             8783
(badc, pcmdi)                    7647      5959             7647
(dkrz)                          11738      2694             3133
(badc, dkrz)                     3310      1421             1208
(pcmdi, dkrz)                    9406     11954             9178
(badc, pcmdi, dkrz)             12608     15003            12607

Breakdown of holdings by institute

We now concentrate on the latest datasets and create a breakdown of the statistics by institute


institute_latest = by_institute(replicas_latest)

institute_counts = {}
for c in institute_latest:
    institute_counts[c] = dict((k, len(v)) for (k, v) in institute_latest[c].items())

df_institute = p.DataFrame(institute_counts)

We now add the counts of all non-replicas in the archive by querying the ESGF Search API.

It should be noted at this point that we are making 2 assumptions when comparing these figures:

  1. That no replicated latest dataset has been deprecated by a subsequent version. This is unlikely to be the case as some updates to datasets have almost certainly not been replicated.
  2. That no dataset exists only as a replica. I.e. that no dataset has been replicated and then it's original removed.


conn = SearchConnection('')
ctx = conn.new_context(project='CMIP5', product='output1', latest=True, replica=False)
facet_counts = ctx.facet_counts

df_institute['archive output1'] = p.Series(facet_counts['institute'].values(),
                                   (x.lower() for x in facet_counts['institute'].keys()))



              badc  dkrz  pcmdi  archive output1
bcc            759   697   1333             2861
bnu             55     1    184              233
cccma         3049  2680   8271             8459
cmcc           107   525    280              526
cnrm-cerfacs  1753  2083   1554             2130
cola-cfs        45   NaN    115              305
csiro-bom      NaN   193     95              209
csiro-qccce    392   468    348             1062
fio             74   NaN     80              160
ichec           57   246    113              965
inm             45   128    117              141
ipsl          1982  2235   1942             2831
lasg-cess      NaN    35    101              725
lasg-iap       NaN    18     70              259
miroc         1503   250   2533             4485
mohc          9079  8268   8759             9079
mpi-m          178  4131   4109             4131
mri            408  1133    470             2164
nasa-giss      980   NaN    784             1693
nasa-gmao      198   NaN    828              828
ncar           214  1774   1132             1887
ncc            305   508    497              508
nicam            3   NaN      9               12
nimr-kma         4    15      5               25
noaa-gfdl     2918   323   3946             4309
noaa-ncep      NaN   NaN    300              NaN
nsf-doe-ncar   170   415    240              426

We can plot this data to emphasise the total replica of coverage and the coverage per institute


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
bars = df_institute.transpose().plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax)
for i, patch in enumerate(bars.patches):
    hatches = ['', '/', '//', '\\', '\\\\', '+', 'x']
    j = i // 4 % 7

# Put a legend to the right of the current axis
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.6), ncol=2)
ax.set_title('Number of latest datasets by centre, partitioned by institute')


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x4153410>


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
ax = fig.gca()
df_institute.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
ax.set_title('Number of latest datasets replicated at each centre by institute')


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xa46d2d0>

Category: Data Science Tagged: esgf cmip5


Bringing Git to data archival

Tue 15 January 2013

I am increasingly excited about distributed version control and how it enables easy collaboration between software developers without technical and social barriers such as synchronisation of work and maintenance of control.</p>

The obvious question is how the DVC systems can be applied to scientific collaboration and my particular specialism …

Category: Data Science Tagged: esgf cmip5


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